GAP greyhounds to spruik adoption at the Ekka

Caption: The Greyhound Sweepstakes will see GAP greyhounds who are available for adoption and GAP greyhounds who have already been rehomed, parade around the ring, competing for prestigious prizes.

Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP) greyhounds, along with former racers who have already found their retirement homes, will spruik greyhound adoption at the 2024 Ekka.

The 2024 Racing Queensland Greyhound Sweepstakes will take place this Saturday, August 10, with judging commencing at 12pm.

Held in the Canine Pavilion at the RNA Showgrounds, the event is an opportunity for GAP and greyhound adopters to spread the word about what great pets greyhounds make.

The Greyhound Sweepstakes will see GAP greyhounds who are available for adoption and GAP greyhounds who have already been rehomed, parade around the ring, competing for prestigious prizes.

The Queensland Racing Integrity Commission’s (QRIC)’s GAP aims to work with greyhound racing participants to find retirement homes for racing greyhounds at the end of their careers.

QRIC Commissioner Malcolm Letts said that the Sweepstakes was an opportunity for the community to get up close and personal with retired racers.

“Ekka brings together a huge cross section of the community, so it’s a great place for us to show off our greyhounds to the public,” he said.

“In previous years, this event has been a chance for people to meet and pat our greyhounds, and ask our GAP staff and GAP adopters questions about how greyhounds adapt to life as a pet.

“Many people have not seen a greyhound up close before, so this is an opportunity for us to show that greyhounds are loving and placid, the perfect pet for any home environment.”

The Sweepstakes is just one event in the highly anticipated Canine Competition, which receives more than 2000 entries each year.

Dogs from a diverse range of breeds will compete in this year’s competition, with categories including Toys, Working Dogs, Terriers, and of course the Non-Sporting category featuring GAP greyhounds.

Events will also showcase canine abilities like Rally, Dances with Dogs, Agility and Jumping.

The week-long Canine Competition kicks off on Saturday, August 10, and wraps up with Working Dogs on Friday, August 16.

If you’re planning to attend this year’s Ekka, we invite you to come along and enjoy the show.

For more information about the Canine Competition, visit



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