Kavanagh’s current litter is keeping full-time retirement on the ‘to do’ list

Caption: Steve Kavanagh’s Rudolf Rumble heads a littermate trifecta at Capalaba last Sunday. (Photo: Just Greyhound Photos)

By Pat McLeod

Greyhound racing icon Steve Kavanagh tried ‘semi-retirement’, but admits, ‘you can’t mow the lawn every day’.

These days, the quiet, relaxed atmosphere of the Capalaba straight track may be a far cry from the heady mountains of success that he once climbed, but he is enjoying the sport as much as ever.

“I tried what I called ‘semi-retirement’, but I found that it was over-rated,” the 78-year-old says with his renowned dry wit.

“After Louis Rumble retired, I had a bit of a quiet time for a while.

“I actually enjoyed that, for a while. But then I felt like I wanted to get back into it again – have another crack.

“So, I decided to have one last litter with Joyce Rumble, because she has been so good to me.

 “And here we are.”

Where he is, is at the start of the race career of 10 smart pups out of the Pestana x Joyce Rumble litter.

An indicator of their quality came across the last two Sundays at Capalaba when members of that litter ran first, second and third in the opening race of both programs.

“Yes, I can’t recall ever doing that before. Not once, let alone twice in two weeks,” he laughs.

“Although in the past I would seldom have had littermates in the same race, however these races are at the relative safety of the Capalaba straight track and it is all about getting young dogs used to a race field.”

On Sunday, July 7, the littermates to salute in the opening race were Rumble Tempest (1st), Rumble Cycle (2nd) and Weather Report (3rd).

Last Sunday it was Rudolf Rumble (1st), Weather Report (2nd) and Rumble Cycle (3rd).

This Sunday Kavanagh will continue his schooling of the young race dogs with three of the litter again engaged at Capalaba. Rumble Tempest and Rudolf Rumble will contest Race 3, while Crickle Owl Vic is in Race 4.

Now based at Pottsville, a beach hamlet in northern NSW, the veteran owner-trainer-breeder speaks highly of the Capalaba club.

“Capalaba is a unique track, terrific,” he says.

“First of all it is a very well run place and it is a pleasure to go there.

“Also, it is ideal for young dogs. Having the drag lure on the ground in front of the dogs with no noise is an asset.

“We do a lot of trialling at Capalaba in the early stages of preparing our dogs.

“We go there for months and months and then go back there for their initial racing.”

Kavanagh has had many greyhound racing highlights, with the standout being the legendary Brother Fox, who was a true champion on the track and at stud.

His strategy for decades has been based around breeding his own, which he seldom sells, and also seldom training dogs for other owners.

About eight years ago he sold his greyhound property at Dungay, in the Tweed Heads hinterland just on the New South Wales side of the border, to then-aspiring greyhound devotee Michael Lalicz.

The pair’s families have been close for many years and now they have added to that with a close working relationship, with Kavanagh’s dogs still housed at his former kennels.

On numerous occasions Lalicz has praised the advice and mentorship Kavanagh has provided, while the veteran industry figure says the relationship ‘has been very good’ for him as well.

Kavanagh says this current litter is showing encouraging signs.

“They are all progressing and doing what they should be doing. They are all improving,” he says.

“And that is part of the reason for going to Capalaba, to help grow their confidence.

“Only two of the 10 pups from the litter are still to race.

“Some of the females are a little bit further behind the males as far as preparation and racing goes.

“Without going over the top, I believe they will all win races, of one quality or another.”



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