Greyhounds Australasia is pleased to announce that Volume 68 of the Australian and New Zealand Greyhound Stud Book is now available for download online.
The Stud Book is often referred to as the bible of greyhound breeding data. The knowledge gained by fully researching a greyhound’s pedigree has proven to increase the opportunity to breed a group race winner. Clever breeders use the information of pedigrees when determining a potential sire rather than being influenced by market pressures.
Volume 68 can be downloaded here.
One of the most important functions of GA is to support our industry through participant services.
Management of the Stud book is a key area of focus so that the integrity and purity of the greyhound breed is maintained.
DNA testing confirms the pedigree of the greyhound and is as published in the GA studbook each year which ensures clear and validated lineage.
Any greyhound that is used for breeding needs to be DNA tested before being registered as a Sire or breeding female. This is so that the pedigree of the breeding greyhound can be recorded and published in the Greyhounds Australasia studbook.
Greyhounds can be DNA tested from a very early age and participants are encouraged to have their dogs tested as soon as breeding from a sire or female is considered. Participants are also welcome to apply for DNA testing of any greyhound in their care to confirm parentage, regardless of whether they intend to breed with that greyhound.
It is a very simple process:
- Participants complete the DNA application form found on the forms section of the GA website at
- GA sends a DNA kit to the required postal address or emails the DNA documentation to the veterinary clinic as requested by the participant (select veterinary clinics have stock of DNA kits).
- The participant then takes the greyhound to their vet for testing along with the greyhound’s identification card – if the DNA kit was posted to the participant that needs to be taken to the vet also.
- The vet collects the samples and verifies that the greyhound matches the identification card, earbrand and microchip before sending the samples to the GA designated laboratory for testing.
- The GA designated laboratory runs the DNA test and confirms parentage.
- The GA designated laboratory forwards the test results to GA, who then notifies the relevant Controlling Body of the DNA test result.
- The Participant receives a formal DNA certificate by email or by post if requested.
66 years of Stud Books are held at the GA offices and each year as the Stud Book is completed, they are made available via the GA website. In 2020 for the first time, the GA Stud Book was offered as a free digital download. Making it more accessible for all participants.
The Stud Books include the names, sex, colour, whelping date, and breeding of greyhounds registered as well as litters whelped and registered for the year. The results of major classic events are also documented as are other interesting facts and stories from the period that the book covers.
The next Stud Book will be available soon and I will let you know when it is available for purchase.