Wanganui straight track a significant step for NZ racing

By Greyhounds Australasia CEO SIMON STOUT

The commissioning of any new racing facility is always cause for celebration.

 It represents the culmination of consolidated efforts on many fronts – from the initial industry consultation to the concept design and planning, through to development funding and finally project delivery.

It is generally a long, often arduous journey and in the current climate, a particularly expensive process.

It is therefore notable, that on a relatively cold afternoon in mid-July, greyhound racing in New Zealand took a substantial step forward with the commissioning of the newly constructed Wanganui Greyhound Racing Club facility.

The facility, located inside the Wanganui thoroughbred track, is significant for many reasons, most pointedly as it is the first straight track on the Shaky Isles.

Straight track racing is firmly entrenched within the weekly Australian racing schedule.

Healesville, Richmond, Capalaba and Murray Bridge deliver a wonderful adjunct to the traditional circle racing and provide a viable short course alternative for many chasers.

As greyhound racing continues to modernise and seek new and contemporary audiences, the need for variety in our product offering has never been greater.

Particularly when viewed through the lens of providing diverse opportunities for individual greyhounds, whether it is enhancing the confidence of the less experienced runner, providing an option for the chaser returning from injury or giving master’s class greyhounds a viable extension to their career.

Straight track racing has a vital role to play.

The GRNZ offering is another progressive initiative towards a sustainable future for greyhound racing in New Zealand and we look forward to welcoming the Kiwis into the search for Australasia’s best straight course chaser.

This question is set to be answered at the upcoming Straight Track Championship, a key part of the annual Nationals Carnival.

This year GRSA and ‘Iconic Adelaide’ will play host to the Nationals Carnival, with Murray Bridge set down to kick things off on the morning of Saturday, August 24, ahead of the Sprint and Distance finals at Angle Park in the evening.

This year’s National Symposium will provide a wide range of topics and information as the industry seeks to navigate its way towards an enduring and sustainable future.

With guest speakers from areas such as LIV Golf, an Australian Sporting Hall of Fame heroine and leading wagering operators, the day represents a great opportunity to garner insight and foster alternate thinking to progress the industry.

Finally, it would be remiss not to mention the recent developments in NSW and SA.

GA welcomes NSW Racing Minster David Harris’ appointment of Acting Commissioner Lea Drake to the Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission (GWIC).

We are pleased the NSW Government is focused on ensuring that greyhound racing has a sustainable future in the state.

The GA Board and its members are united in their support and assistance of Acting Commissioner Drake, as GWIC, GRNSW and stakeholders continue to prioritise animal welfare, transparency, and accountability across the industry.

Similarly, highly experienced regulator Sal Perna, has this month assumed the position of Greyhound Industry Reform Inspector (GIRI). Working to provide the SA Government oversight as the SA greyhound industry works to implement the recommendations prescribed within the Ashton Report and generate public confidence in the sport and its future.

GA welcomes Mr Perna to the role and looks forward to engaging and supporting him as the GIRI in South Australia.



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