Test the soothing waters of Moree

Caption: Moree’s Artesian Aquatic Centre

Have dog will travel! That is the motto of almost everyone in the greyhound industry and is the reason why its followers are among the most travelled of any Aussie. Each month Chase will highlight a spot on the map of Australia, usually coinciding with a major greyhound race, and explain why you should stop off and smell the roses. This month we look at NSW’s Moree.

Located in northern New South Wales, Moree sits right above Australia’s Great Artesian Basin, making it the perfect spot for hot springs.

The town is known as the artesian spa capital of Australia and the baths here are visited by 300,000 people annually.

Bathing, or balneotherapy, has been practised for centuries as it allows for the transdermal absorption of varied minerals, such as sulphur and magnesium, typically found in Artesian water. These minerals are said to nourish the organs of the body and in turn aid the body to fight illness and repair tissue damage. Soak up the therapeutic benefits at the Moree Artesian Aquatic Centre.
Stop for lunch at the Amaroo Tavern, where there is also an unusual sight – a former RAAF aircraft parked rigtht out the front. The C47 Dakota, made in 1943, was eventually converted to a DC3 and handed over to Papua New Guinea’s defence force. Eventually, an engine sprang a leak and the plane had to be shut down while in flight. It was then flown to Moree in 1993, lifted into place by three cranes, and opened as a tourist attraction the following year.

Take a tour of Australia’s biggest pecan farm. The fertile soil of Moree has made perfect growing grounds for pecans, where 95 percent of Australia’s annual crop comes from. Enjoy a guided tour and pecan slice at Trawalla Farm, located 35 kilometres from Moree.

Grab a coffee from Brooker Trading Co and take to the streets to see the exquisite art deco buildings along Balo, Frome, and Heber Streets. A truly stunning structure that;s worth seeing is the 1923 Moree War Memorial Hall, a concrete building that’s all curves, columns and period colour.

Lastly, check out The Bank Art Museum Moree which holds a significant portfolio of  Aboriginal paintings.



Greyhound Property
Avoca, Victoria

20 Acres of land

3 Bed | 2 Bath | 16 Car

$959,000 – $989,000

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